DSD NOELL GmbH signs contract for EDEA Spillway, Cameroon
In December 2008 DSD NOELL GmbH, Wuerzburg Germany, was awarded the Contract for 6 spillway radial gates of the existing EDEA Hydropower Plant at the Sanaga river in southern Cameroon, approximately 80 km east of the harbour city Douala.
The scope of supplies and services includes the design, fabrication and erection of:
6 spillway Radial Gates with oil Hydraulic Drive System, each 18 m wide and 7,5 m high
1 set of Stoplogs
1 Spillway Gantry Crane for Stoplog use and Radial Gate maintenance
6 Steel Bridges for access over the Spillway System
Local and Remote Computer Control System
Cameroon has climatic constrains with long flooding seasons, thus works can only be undertaken during 6 months every year.
Situation in March 2008 during ending of flooding period. The old spillway system was built in the 50s and is no longer safe. In consequence the whole EDEA Hydropower plant and with it the Alucam aluminium factory in Edea as well as the south of Cameroon private consumption is in big danger of huge energy losses. The new modern spillway system will be built 6 m downstream of the old dam axis.
Together with Six-International, a Cameroon based subsidiary of BESIX, Belgium, DSD NOELL GmbH signed the contract with customer AES Sonel. AES Sonel is Cameroon’s biggest utility that is owned at 54 % by Boston (USA) based American Energy Systems AES.
Flyer Project EDEA