Gate against flow of 180 m head, Georgia - Enguri Special Stoplog, Georgia
Costumer: Engurhesi Ltd., Tiblis, Georgia
Period: 2004 - 2006
Country: Georgia
Technical description:
Enguri Arch Dam is located in the northwestern part of Georgia, at Enguri river in the Caucasus mountains. The dam has a height of 271.5 m and is still today the highest concrete arch dam in the world. The European Commission financed a program to replace the initial stoplog and the hoist by a much more sophisticated gate, facilitating maintenance of bottom outlets in 180 meter below water level in the reservoir. Compared to the initial design, which was a fully static and regular stoplog, the new solution had to integrate retractable wheels and cone jet valves and an oil power system, remotely operated from the dam crest, utilising a multifunctional cable with power conductors and optical fibers to facilitate the placing of the gate even against a waterflow of up to 5 m3 per second. Full access is also made possible to the hydraulic and electric compartments, integrated in the gate, from downstream side of the dam through the outlet tunnel.
For Enguri Arch Dam DSD NOELL designed, supplied,erected and tested during 2004-2006:
1 gate of 200 tons, approx. 10 x 10 m, with incorporated cone jet valves
1 hoisting structure with lifting rods, hoisting capacity 3,000 kN
1 set control equipment