Massingir Dam / Mozambique, East Africa
Period: 2004 - 2006
Customer: ARA-Sul
Country: Mosambik, Ostafrika
Technical description:
Massingir Dam on the Olifants River, a tributary of the Limpopo River, was constructed in the 1970’s to ensure water for irrigation of the Lower Limpopo Valley (90,000 ha), counter salt intrusion, generate power and neutralise the influence of floods. The Dam is located in the Gaza Province, approximately 330 km from
Maputo. It has a reservoir capacity of 2,800 million m3, making it the second largest reservoir in Mozambique. The Government of Mozambique (GOM) obtained a loan of approx. US $ 80 million from the African Development Bank (AfDB) and assigned ARASul (Adminstracao Regional de Àguas do Sul) as the Executing Agency to co-ordinate the rehabilitation of the Dam and irrigation for agricultural purposes. The project’s major objective is to contribute
towards Government stated goals of accelerated growth of the GDP and poverty alleviation.
The contract for DSD NOELL as part of the rehabilitation project composed the refurbishment and the installation of spillway gates including hydraulic hoists, stoplogs and hydro-mechanical items of the outlet structure:
4 radial gates, 18 m width x 11 m height
4 sets oil hydraulic drives
10 stoplog elements, 19m width, 1 automatic lifting beam